In the past week, I revealed TWO BRAND NEW DENTON COVERS. They were designed by Angela Carlino at Random House Children's, with artwork by Mathieu Persan, and I'm incredibly psyched about both of them. 

First, the paperback edition of Denton Little's Deathdate.

Look at that likable skeleton chauffeur! Love that guy. Read more about the cover and Denton at Me, My Shelf, & I, where it had its official cover reveal

Second, my new book, Denton Little's Still Not Dead, coming out February 7th, 2017.

It is the hilarious, thrilling sequel to Denton Little's Deathdate. It is all about how the skeleton chauffeur retires from chauffeuring and doesn't know what to do with his life so he gets really into chess. (See, you think the tagline is about Denton, but it's actually about the skeleton. That's the twist.) (OH SHOOT I JUST RUINED THE TWIST) Read more about the sequel at YA Interrobang, where it had its official cover reveal.

And then go listen to this song by Mates of State, which I listened to about 500 times while writing the new book.